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This is some text inside of a div block.
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Here are the headliners for 2025

On day zero, look now at what you can expect in internal communications in 2025. What new things are coming? What are the unmissable productions? What are the expectations of the audience and how will the program hit the ground running? We've rounded up the key internal communication trends for the year ahead.

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This is some text inside of a div block.
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HR and the endless software ocean - how to choose internal communication software?

Business software is abundant in different areas. Just as a few years ago, we were only browsing reviews of hotel and restaurant guests, today there is a demand for a million applications to choose from. How can user experience help you choose the ideal business software? What does it take for a company to make a 21st-century leap with a new system? And how did the Blue Colibri App make it to the international top league? We're crossing the software ocean!

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This is some text inside of a div block.
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Optimizing internal communication in hybrid workplaces

Internal communication that adds value to the organization and increases employee engagement has never been an easy task. Remote working and hybrid working have increased significantly by 2024, bringing new challenges for organizations. To effectively adapt internal communications to these changes, it is essential to continuously develop and adapt strategy.

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