Our company, Blue Colibri International Ltd., submitted an application within the framework of the GINOP Intelligent Specialization Risk Capital Program tender of the Ministry for National Economy, under the second call for proposals of the Bonitás Venture Capital Fund, which the Bonitás Venture Capital Fund II awarded as a winner.The venture capital awarded for the project registered under the GINOP-8.1.3/B17 number, titled "Development of an online platform supporting corporate internal communication, administration, and training," amounts to HUF 400 million.
Beneficiary: Blue Colibri International Ltd.
Title of the application: Development of an online platform supporting corporate internal communication, administration, and training
Brief presentation of the application content:Blue Colibri is an HR tech company developing an internal HR communication software that offers an innovative software solution to solve the internal communication problems of companies and increase the engagement of their employees. The software can be run on a cloud platform (MS Azure) or on an on-premise server, and through it, all employees of the company (blue and white-collar) can be reached through the employee's private smart device. The Blue Colibri App digitizes inefficient, primarily paper-based HR information and administrative processes and can make them measurable and smoother in a platform-based system. The Blue Colibri App revolutionizes corporate communication, as it makes employees accessible anywhere, anytime. Sending and receiving instant messages and information is implemented in a coordinated and measurable manner on the employees' own mobile devices. The mobile platform supporting engagement, organizational learning, and internal communication provides a solution for reaching colleagues who do not have a workstation or email address and who work in different locations, and for which no additional company licenses are required. The application can be customized to the specific characteristics and needs of the company, as it is built from modular elements and its appearance reflects the company's brand.
Amount of contracted venture capital: HUF 400 million
Identifier number: GINOP-8.1.3/B-17
Planned completion date of the project (if completed, then the actual completion): December 31, 2023.