Sluggish, hours-long courses, walls of text lacking dynamic visual elements, and one-size-fits-all approaches are completely outdated as corporate training methodologies. Changing employee needs require, and technology enables, learning and training to be truly fun and effective in the workplace as well. Here are a few ideas that HR can easily implement!
One of the biggest challenges for modern companies is maintaining effective internal communication, as traditional tools such as email or lengthy meetings are no longer competitive and are proving to be a slow solution in a rapidly changing business environment. But why is effective internal communication so important? How can an app like Blue Colibri help you do this more effectively? In this article, we find out!
Construction, manufacturing, production, logistics, agriculture - just a few of the sectors with a huge proportion of manual workers. In these same industries, turnover is also generally extremely high. But in a company where blue-collar workers come and go regularly, recruitment and predictability can become a daily problem. It is no coincidence that retention is such a high priority in HR strategies. Let's look at effective ways to reduce blue-collar turnover!
Traditional intranets can no longer keep pace with the needs of today's workplace. To make hybrid working effective and to promote employee experience and engagement, corporate systems need to be rethought. It's a big step, but a modern, new digital platform has many benefits and can make a positive difference to all internal communications. So it's worth taking a deep breath and saying goodbye to the old-school intranet. Let's find out how and why!
With digitalization, hybrid working, and intergenerational collaboration, building a community in the workplace has become an increasing challenge. However, employee satisfaction (and therefore engagement) can be directly affected by how they feel about their team at work. Due to changing circumstances, a successful corporate community-building strategy may require a slightly different HR mindset and toolkit. This article has compiled some of the most important things to know.
Generation Z, currently the youngest group of workers, now makes up a significant part of the labor market. Reaching them has recently become one of the most important HR issues worldwide. Experience has shown that corporate communications need to be fine-tuned in many respects if the aim is to retain and engage this age group. The reason is simple: methods honed to perfection over decades need to be revised for them. A new generation, new internal communication - here are the basics!
One of the biggest challenges for modern companies is maintaining effective internal communication, but in a fast-changing business environment where information is constantly flowing, employees must be aware of company goals, strategies, and current developments. And good internal communication not only increases employee satisfaction and productivity but also contributes to strengthening corporate culture and long-term success, how? Let's explore this now!
Motivation can quickly dwindle if results and achievements are not recognized. This is a common experience, but it needs particular attention in the workplace. As motivation declines, so does engagement, which can make it more challenging to retain employees. But a well-thought-out, effective recognition system can help with more than just these issues. It has a positive impact on company culture, improves employee morale, and strengthens relationships and community. Let's take a look at what a good recognition system looks!
Once again, the digitalization of SMEs is a hot topic! At the Blue Colibri III. Connect Conference, attendees gained first-hand insights into the incredible changes that digitalization can bring to the daily operations of small and medium-sized enterprises. Lightning-fast, efficient administration, successful community building, the path to a future-proof business... If the SME sector is your area of expertise, this is one you don't want to miss: we've gathered the most useful points from an exciting Connect panel in this article!
Four major generations are currently working together in the labor market. The oldest baby boomers, now retired with few exceptions, the Xs born between 1960 and 1983, the millennial generation, and the youngest workers, Gen Z. It is natural that these age groups are motivated by different things, so HR needs to employ different strategies to increase their engagement.
The modern labor market is dynamic and fast-changing, and companies need to keep up with the latest trends and technologies to add the best quality people to their workforce. HR software plays a key role in this process - automating recruitment tasks and making recruitment more efficient. How can recruitment be truly effective? Here are some tips!
Boost efficiency, engage your entire audience, and spin up the most popular content for your internal corporate communications! We'll show you the top content that will capture employees' attention more effectively and activate the workplace community.
We live in an era dominated by vast data, countless algorithms, and relentless analysis. Yet, despite how complex and distant this may seem, at the core, it's all about us—the people. Our choices, preferences, ideas, and reactions drive it all. A people-focused corporate culture is a key contributor to success: it boosts employee engagement and enhances the company's reputation among customers, partners, and potential hires.
At the third Connect Conference, we dedicated a special section specifically to small and medium-sized businesses. We heard from eminent speakers on the key issues affecting the SME sector. In one of the most exciting panels, Bernadett Dancsné Engler, Ádám Balog, and Péter Oszkó discussed one of the main SME challenges of 2024: financial sustainability. If you were there, memo, if you weren't, now you can find out what the experts think the outlook for SMEs is.