Generations and internal communication: content and channels

But how do you address an employee who once held an internal company magazine in their hands, and how do you address a highly digitally-connected Generation Z employee?

What content should we produce for different generations of employees and what do we need to know about baby boomers, Generation X, Y and Z?

Perhaps not everyone remembers the internal company newspapers of the time, which could be physically leafed through, had a smell of print, photos and texts alternated, and where employees at other sites could find out if someone had left or joined the company, or if someone had a child.

But in today's fast-paced and changing world, internal communication has become strategic. Staff shortages and employee expectations demand ever faster and more useful and, where appropriate, entertaining content.

(The podcast is only available in Hungarian!)

A conversation with István Takács, Head of Communications at Continental Hungary Ltd. and Renato Tóth, psychologist at DokiApp.

The podcast is available on, Google and Spotify.

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